This was truly a fantastic read. I felt as if I was right there, in the middle of the conversation, taking it in but not partaking.

It made me melancholic but sort of in a good way — somehow I felt at home in this retelling of that evening. Thank you.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Caleb Beers

This really hits home, and I think it's a very good description of how (my) nostalgia feels, or rather how I sometimes feel and think about my nostalgia. Also, I made it through the whole story uninterrupted, which really speaks of its quality, because I usually end up switching to another tab and solving chess puzzles or whatever when I try to read a behemoth of a text like this.

As a non-native English speaker though, I have to ask: is it really "I had forgotted" or is that a mistake?

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